Sunday, 26 May 2024


26h May 2024


Dear All,

After a rather chilly swim on Monday, we had a message to say that sister Mary was in hospital with a very high pulse rate. It turned out it reached 140 instead of the normal 60 so she was kept in an observation ward together with two Indian ladies speaking Gujarati and a Spanish lady who used the floor as a toilet! She was home later in the week but her pulse was still about 100.

We travelled to Witcham on Tuesday to purchase an electric fence in the next round of Days v Badgers! It occurred to me that we could probably buy strawberries for the rest of our lives for the cost of the fence – but that’s not the point is it. In the afternoon I attended Jonny Wayman’s funeral at the Crematorium together with about 300 others. I was captain of Over Reserves when Jonny made his football debut. Meanwhile Kate did a recce of a few areas of a walk we were due to lead later in the week, unfortunately the heavens opened and she returned home looking like a drowned rat!

We had a serious downpour that night and I recorded 32 mm rain so that our garden returned to its familiar water-logged state for about the 6th time this year.






Before the deluge I had sown salad onions and radish in the garden and peanuts and corn salad in the greenhouse.

Norman Ingle was here for lunch Wednesday followed by church group at Kitson’s. They have had a trying few days as eldest son Matthew had a brain operation, younger son David fell off his bike and broke his wrist, Bob’s sister-in-law died the previous Friday, Bob is suffering from mild dementia and mother living with them is now 102 years old and understandably is often forgetful.

The walk Kate has recced took place on Thursday starting at Dry Drayton and took in Bar Hill, Lolworth, Boxworth, Knapwell woods and Childerley Hall. It was an interesting walk but the recent heavy rain meant that mud was back on the menu especially in the woods. We also traversed some of the tallest barley that I have seen recently and this was mainly responsible for Kate’s soaking on Tuesday.



Bar Hill Circle Path






Knapwell Wood



Giant Barley


On Friday I managed to assemble the electric fence and started new potatoes from a pot.



Electric Fence



Charlotte Potatoes & Aquadulce Broad beans


We also collected an outdoor table and chairs from Doris next door to Merv & Pat who is having a clear out.

I was called up to play cricket on Saturday but was slightly relieved that the opposition cried off. Instead, I collected still car less Dave and we watched Over 1st thrash St Ives 2nds by 8 wickets.

Ben has moved on from Botswana to Malawi via Niagara Falls.



Niagara Falls

In Malawi he has been helping a friend who he met on his trans Africa trip and is now working in conservation. The picture shows the construction of a firebreak.









Mike & Kate

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