Sunday, 12 May 2024


12th May 2024


Dear All,

The early part of the week is covered by my report of our time in Moldova which I won’t repeat but send separately. On Friday it was catch up in the garden time. As is usual things had changed considerably during our week away but thankfully there was no frost and Kate had kept everything going very well. I planted out more Runner and French beans, a second lot of Sweet Corn and Courgettes. Earthed up spuds and sowed Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Winter Cabbage, Kale, Cauliflowers and more Sweet Corn then pricked out Leeks and trained Tomatoes. I then sorted photos from the trip.

Saturday was the big wedding day of Philip and Laura who got engaged during their CEEM trip to Moldova in January. The Wedding took place in Willingham and the reception featured eastern European food and wine. The bride’s dress was made in Ukraine and featured 20 flowers embroidered on it to match the 20 vases of flowers on the reception tables.




Happy Couple



Bride’s dress



Guess Who?



Mike & Kate

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