Sunday, 19 May 2024


19th May 2024


Dear All,

In my excitement at being back home and writing a report last week I was remiss in omitting Esther & Emma’s sterling efforts while I was away. They set about decorating and cleaning with great zeal and skill as well as keeping Kate company for three days. We are very grateful and I have nearly located most of my belongings!


The back bedroom


After swimming on Monday, we were back into Cambridge for what I think is our 5th Covid jab at the Grafton Centre, it is all much more relaxed than the early days. Later we booked a holiday in Sicily for the end of September.

Our car was finally fixed on Wednesday after 3 weeks and as we had to replace all four tyres this week it has been rather an expensive time for the pleasure of motoring!

On Wednesday evening Kate and I celebrated 53 years of marital bliss with a meal at the Three Tuns at Fen Drayton.

Our Thursday walk reverted back to the wet times of spring with mist and drizzle for most of the morning. We started at Therfield above Royston and probably had less rain than Over where I recorded 12mm. It was a good walk with country lanes and a profusion of blossoms.



Gathering at Therfield



Cow Parsley in Sandon churchyard



Sandon Church



May Blossom



Red Chestnut

Ben has been sending back some excellent photos from his Safari in Botswana. He seems to have seen nearly every target animal in the first two days.



My own wildlife pictures captured on the Nightcam last night are not quite so dramatic!



A busy week in the garden planting outdoor cucumbers, squash, marrows, pumpkins, gourds and lettuce while sowing melons, lettuce, parsnips and swedes.

Over had their first home cricket match on Saturday and were thrashed by 8 wickets – could be a long season!



Mike & Kate

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