Sunday, 28 June 2020

28th June 2020


Dear All,

I hope you didn’t melt in the midweek heat – it touched 50°C in our greenhouses! And although we have had some rain since it seems to have forgotten how to do it properly. As the forecast was so hot on Thursday, we started our walk at 7.30am but it was still plenty warm enough by the time we returned. This week we redid the Willingham, Earith, Rothschild Way route with Lawrie and Maureen. Philip has some of the U3A group organised in groups of 6 starting at different locations but my medical advisor (Kate!) thinks it is a bit too soon. The main feature of our walk was the spread of poppies on the land disturbed by the gravel works in the fen.





Cinnabar Moth caterpillars on Ragwort

There is a possibility of cricket starting next month so we retrieved the roller and cut an experimental strip. The Parish Council have forbidden the use of the pavilion which might cause a few problems.

Kate has been picking Strawberries, Raspberries and Red Currants every day and is beginning to look like a red currant! Most of the currants end up with the jam making lady who provided the pots for Esther & Emma’s wedding.



“Currant Kate”

I harvested garlic this week and may have over done the plantings this year. We have also picked Globe Artichokes, French Beans, Summer cabbage, broccoli and cauliflowers.


Garlic harvest



Globe Artichokes


I had another Centrefold photo in the Cambridge News this week with a gosling shot.


Gosling Creche


Yesterday we were invited to a Virtual 70th Birthday Party for June, a walking colleague from Willingham. We attended a virtual museum tour and this was followed by an art experience and tonight there is a virtual quiz. It actually worked quite well and could well catch on for more normal times.


I managed to shed a filling during the week and have a dental appointment tomorrow – unfortunately not virtual. “Make sure you go to the toilet before you come, wear a facemask, sit in your car until collected when you will be given hand wash and conducted straight to the chair”. I can’t wait!


With love

Mike & Kate

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