Sunday, 21 June 2020

21st June 2020

Dear All,
A decent rain at last which has immediately improved the garden. It has been really productive this week with strawberries and raspberries cropping heavily and plenty of vegetables. Kate picked Red Currants yesterday and a fellow allotmenteer gave us a recipe for “Deep Freeze Jam”.
The feature of this week’s walks has been the number of butterflies on the wing. Earlier in the week it was clouds of Meadow Browns, later we saw several others including a Comma. Yesterday it was dragon flies.

Towards Over Windmill
          Meadow Brown   


Dragon Fly
We postponed our Thursday longer walk to Friday due to the weather, starting at Yelling and walking to Graveley and Papworth St Agnes. Papworth St Agnes has an old public bake house where the whole village used to bake their bread on a rota.

Papworth St Agnes Bakehouse

Graveley Shelter

On the up side I received an anonymous donation of £1000 for Moldova this week but on the downside Air Moldova are declining to refund our fares for the cancelled flights.

With love
Mike & Kate

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