Sunday, 14 June 2020

14th June 2020

Dear All,
Another mixed week weather wise as we have enjoyed several showers without thorough soakings. Our electrician finally made an appearance and changed 6 strip lights to LEDs and updated our fuse box.

Kate has been busy mask making this week so can now augment her ex work Tesco shopping mask with a homemade suitable for public transport version!
Our U3A “Biographies” is planned to go ZOOM for the autumn term and as the weather was cold and damp on Wednesday, I began preparation on my choice for this year “Cornelius Vermuyden”.
We substituted a bike ride for the normal walk on Thursday but it was very windy and hard work along the road to Willingham and back along the footpath and Furtherford. We did a longer walk on Friday starting at St Ives and walking to Houghton Mill, Hemingford Abbots and Hemingford Grey.

St Ives


The Thicket

Houghton Mill

Yesterday we did a familiar walk down Lowburyholme, the flood bank, Webb’s Hole and Overcote. The outstanding features were watching House Martins feeding chicks in the nest holes in the Webb’s Hole sluice gate and the sheer volume of Mallow blooming in nearly every hedgerow.

House Martin nests


As I reported last week Overcote is having a facelift and it is attracting the crowds, we counted 22 cars there with numerous water-based activities.


In the garden it has been a serious spraying week for aphids, rust and blight. Strawberries and raspberries continue to crop very well and cauliflowers, broccoli, cucumbers, peas and carrots have been harvested and the first tomato.

With love
Mike & Kate

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