Sunday, 28 June 2020

28th June 2020


Dear All,

I hope you didn’t melt in the midweek heat – it touched 50°C in our greenhouses! And although we have had some rain since it seems to have forgotten how to do it properly. As the forecast was so hot on Thursday, we started our walk at 7.30am but it was still plenty warm enough by the time we returned. This week we redid the Willingham, Earith, Rothschild Way route with Lawrie and Maureen. Philip has some of the U3A group organised in groups of 6 starting at different locations but my medical advisor (Kate!) thinks it is a bit too soon. The main feature of our walk was the spread of poppies on the land disturbed by the gravel works in the fen.





Cinnabar Moth caterpillars on Ragwort

There is a possibility of cricket starting next month so we retrieved the roller and cut an experimental strip. The Parish Council have forbidden the use of the pavilion which might cause a few problems.

Kate has been picking Strawberries, Raspberries and Red Currants every day and is beginning to look like a red currant! Most of the currants end up with the jam making lady who provided the pots for Esther & Emma’s wedding.



“Currant Kate”

I harvested garlic this week and may have over done the plantings this year. We have also picked Globe Artichokes, French Beans, Summer cabbage, broccoli and cauliflowers.


Garlic harvest



Globe Artichokes


I had another Centrefold photo in the Cambridge News this week with a gosling shot.


Gosling Creche


Yesterday we were invited to a Virtual 70th Birthday Party for June, a walking colleague from Willingham. We attended a virtual museum tour and this was followed by an art experience and tonight there is a virtual quiz. It actually worked quite well and could well catch on for more normal times.


I managed to shed a filling during the week and have a dental appointment tomorrow – unfortunately not virtual. “Make sure you go to the toilet before you come, wear a facemask, sit in your car until collected when you will be given hand wash and conducted straight to the chair”. I can’t wait!


With love

Mike & Kate

Sunday, 21 June 2020

21st June 2020

Dear All,
A decent rain at last which has immediately improved the garden. It has been really productive this week with strawberries and raspberries cropping heavily and plenty of vegetables. Kate picked Red Currants yesterday and a fellow allotmenteer gave us a recipe for “Deep Freeze Jam”.
The feature of this week’s walks has been the number of butterflies on the wing. Earlier in the week it was clouds of Meadow Browns, later we saw several others including a Comma. Yesterday it was dragon flies.

Towards Over Windmill
          Meadow Brown   


Dragon Fly
We postponed our Thursday longer walk to Friday due to the weather, starting at Yelling and walking to Graveley and Papworth St Agnes. Papworth St Agnes has an old public bake house where the whole village used to bake their bread on a rota.

Papworth St Agnes Bakehouse

Graveley Shelter

On the up side I received an anonymous donation of £1000 for Moldova this week but on the downside Air Moldova are declining to refund our fares for the cancelled flights.

With love
Mike & Kate

Sunday, 14 June 2020

14th June 2020

Dear All,
Another mixed week weather wise as we have enjoyed several showers without thorough soakings. Our electrician finally made an appearance and changed 6 strip lights to LEDs and updated our fuse box.

Kate has been busy mask making this week so can now augment her ex work Tesco shopping mask with a homemade suitable for public transport version!
Our U3A “Biographies” is planned to go ZOOM for the autumn term and as the weather was cold and damp on Wednesday, I began preparation on my choice for this year “Cornelius Vermuyden”.
We substituted a bike ride for the normal walk on Thursday but it was very windy and hard work along the road to Willingham and back along the footpath and Furtherford. We did a longer walk on Friday starting at St Ives and walking to Houghton Mill, Hemingford Abbots and Hemingford Grey.

St Ives


The Thicket

Houghton Mill

Yesterday we did a familiar walk down Lowburyholme, the flood bank, Webb’s Hole and Overcote. The outstanding features were watching House Martins feeding chicks in the nest holes in the Webb’s Hole sluice gate and the sheer volume of Mallow blooming in nearly every hedgerow.

House Martin nests


As I reported last week Overcote is having a facelift and it is attracting the crowds, we counted 22 cars there with numerous water-based activities.


In the garden it has been a serious spraying week for aphids, rust and blight. Strawberries and raspberries continue to crop very well and cauliflowers, broccoli, cucumbers, peas and carrots have been harvested and the first tomato.

With love
Mike & Kate

Sunday, 7 June 2020

7th June 2020

Dear All,
It has been an interesting week weather-wise as we changed from being too hot with every window open to actually lighting a fire last night. The rain has been welcome if a little hesitant here. The badger fencing has worked so far with no further damage but there is a long way to go. The last area of free space has been filled with leeks this week at all three sites. This used to be an easy crop to grow but thanks to Leek Moth and Allium Leaf Miner it is necessary to spray and cover from the outset. Walking or biking has continued nearly every day. On shorter walks this week we have seen the changes at Overcote where paths and a launching strip have been improved and a house that disappeared over night in Lowburyholme.




We were joined by four of our walking friends for the Thursday outing – observing social distancing of course, and crossed the river and circumnavigated Barleycroft Lake. There was as usual plenty of bird life but the outstanding feature was large patches of bee orchids.

Lawrie, Kate, Elly, Maureen & David


Bee Orchids

We have managed to get all the cash successfully transferred to Moldova this week but it was far from straightforward.  I have been composing a newsletter which I will circulate after running past my colleague. I had an email from John Law in Turkey – he has just received 3 months’ worth of mail on one day.
Jackie has very kindly sent me a face mask in exchange for seed.

Wanted for Masked Hold ups!

With love
Mike & Kate