Sunday, 22 August 2021


22nd August 2021


Dear All,

Mary-Ann, Andy, Amḗlie and Albert left after lunch on Monday and had a better journey home. Esther and Emma joined us for Sunday lunch and Monday morning there was a return visit to Willingham playground. Kate and I then spent several happy hours emptying the paddling pool with watering cans so as not to waste the water.



Kate with attendants



Willingham Playpark


I had an abortive trip to Ely on Wednesday night to watch Over football team. The website said 6.15pm KO but when we got there it was 7.45pm under floodlights. As we had arrived early, we did not fancy cooling our heels for 2 hours so bailed out. Over won 3 v 1 but lost for the first time yesterday 2 v 1 to Foxton.

We missed our usual Thursday walk as we were invited to the Community Centre to join Norman and Rosemary Foster’s 60th Wedding Anniversary. There was a good meal and a few speeches and poems and guests were invited to take a photo of themselves as a child. I was charged with photographing the guests and it all seemed to go quite well.



Norman & Rosemary



Gathering at the Community Centre


In the evening I was back at the Community Centre helping Glynis and others collect entries for the Over Produce Show. This used to be run by the British Legion but as their members grew older, they have handed it over to the Garden Club. It needs a deal of organisation, collecting entries, writing show cards, inviting judges, collecting cups, setting up the room etc. Last year the show was cancelled due to Covid and there was some uncertainty about this year but it was decided to go ahead and although entries were down by about 10% it seemed to go well. I could tell you that I won three cups – but I won’t! I was most pleased at winning the bread class.











Two photos in the CN this week, the Thursday theme was “Light” and I entered a shot from Portugal over the Bay of Biscay. They also picked out and older photo of Quilotoa, Ecuador for the centrefold yesterday.



Sunlight over the Bay of Biscay



Quilotoa, Ecuador



With love

Mike & Kate

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