Sunday, 1 August 2021


1st August 2021


Dear All,

An exciting trip to the “Big Smoke” this week for the first time in recent memory for a cousin’s reunion at Harrow. Eight gather – combined age about 650 years and enough health problems to fill a medium sized medical dictionary! We had a “bring & share” lunch and a trip to the park and it seemed to go well. It was certainly good to see everyone after so long.



The Olympic Mixed Triathlon team!


Bread this week was a plaited loaf which was very photogenic so I am including it even though some have tried a few slices.


Plaited loaf

On Wednesday evening we had a visit to a Cofarm site in Cambridge. We set out in a downpour which lasted through Willingham and Cottenham but it was dry when we reached Cambridge. The Cofarm was set up on land owned by a church in Cherry Hinton to supply local charities with free fruit and veg. It is managed by two guys who work part time with the aid of several volunteers and has only been going for 18 months but they have done a remarkable job supplying 5 tons of produce last year and more this. The whole site is 7.5 acres and so far, 2 acres have been fenced and cropped the rest is a wild flower meadow. I have promised them the seed that I could not get to Moldova last year.



Cofarm Produce


On Thursday our walk was reasonably local starting at Horningsea, crossing Quy fen to Quy Water, Anglesey Abbey then back across the Fen via the Coprolite Pits. Being close to Cambridge there was a large turnout.



Setting out – Quy Fen



Quy Water



Coprolite Pit

We managed to prepare the cricket wicket between showers on Friday but the match on Saturday only reached half way, Over having dismissed Little Downham for 87 before there was another deluge.

It has been another good week for fruit and vegetable harvesting with large quantities of Runner and French beans as well as cues and tomatoes and the first marrow. We dug the maincrop potatoes yesterday as blight was starting to appear.



Rooster & Picasso



Yesterday’s Harvest

The Cambridge News theme this week was “Pairs” and my contribution was a pair of Brussels sprouts!



Pair of Sprouts

With love

Mike & Kate


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