Sunday, 3 May 2020

3rd May 2020

Dear All,
I hope you are still grinning and bearing it all? We added another ZOOM session this week with John Law in Turkey. He is close to the Syrian border and there are 300,000 refuges attached to their town. In Turkey old and young are strictly locked down but middle aged can go out. The rain this week was very welcome for the garden and I have planted out climbing French beans and early Sweet Corn. I have distributed tomato plants to four recipients this week and seed to another couple of folks.
Our Thursday walk this week took us to Bluntisham via the RSPB reserve, the Staunch and the river. Weather was ideal for walking and we saw Swifts for the first time as well as Marsh Harriers, a large Buzzard and a dead Kestrel ln Bluntisham churchyard. Bluntisham has a historic connection with Dorothy L Sayers. Her father was vicar there and she based her book “The Nine Tailors” on the nine bell ringers there.
We have still managed to walk every day, yesterday we travelled via the orchard to Swavesey Green then down Middle drove to Over Mere Fen.

Bluntisham Hall


River Ouse


Break time

May blossom

Mere Fen

Local colour
We lost two local residents this week who our children will know: Alan Adams and Charlie Jenner. Neither was due to Coronavirus.

Kate’s birthday celebrations seem to have started early – such as they are as following the premature bench, she received a bread and cakes parcel from the children and a floral card with real flowers from Kate & Gordon.

Bread & Cakes parcel

Floral Card
With love

Mike & Kate

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