Sunday, 10 May 2020

10th May 2020

Dear All,
Kate duly celebrated her lockdown birthday on Monday thanks to all contributors. She actually shares the date with 3 other Over residents. We topped the day off with an Indian take away.

Birthday Loot
The barter system is flourishing locally as John Lane exchanged a trout for some seeds and Mervyn swapped a bottle of port for some tomato plants! On Tuesday evening Glynis tapped on our window and said “Why aren’t you out covering your susceptible plants as there is a frost warning?”. We then spent an hour covering strawberries, Runner and French Beans and potatoes in the garden, in Ken Elsom’s garden and the allotment. In the end it was only a slight frost but it did touch a few uncovered plants.


Kate braved Tesco’s again on Wednesday lunchtime and it was fairly quiet and civilised. She managed to find most things with the exception of bread flour.

Ready for Tesco’s
 I have been asked to write an article for the RHS “Garden” magazine on the recent Winter Cabbage trial. I completed this on Wednesday but it is for the November issue so do not hold your breath!
We made an early start for Thursday’s walk and headed down Fen End towards Willingham, then did a complete loop round the gravel workings to Earith then back along the Rothschild Way which runs parallel to the river. Rothschild was a wealthy industrialist with an interest in conservation. He purchased Wicken and Wood Walton fens and donated Wicken to the National Trust. In appreciation a route between the two sites was named after him. We heard bitterns booming again and saw sand martins as well as several swallows.

Gravel Workings

Scotch Thistles

Rothschild Way

We held a low profile V.E. day celebration on Friday by drinking wine on the front drive. There were several bunting strewn gatherings in the village and 3 veterans – including Ken whose garden I tend were given special presentations by the British Legion.

VE Day party!

With love

Mike & Kate

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