Sunday, 31 March 2019

31st March 2019

Dear All,
This week has mainly been about preparations for Moldova and getting the garden ahead for when I am away. I missed swimming on Monday to travel to St Neots to meet up with Terry to withdraw cash from the bank to send to Moldova via Western Union. WU will only take cash so we handed over a large wad of £20 notes totalling £7000 to go to 2 destinations. One went through with no problems, the other recipient emailed to say that we had spelt his name wrong- despite copying it from his email address. Terry went back on Thursday to try and rectify this only to be told that I had to go in as I had signed the Receipt. I went back in the evening and it was changed with no proof of identity or need for a signature –so why it had to be me?
The allotment next to ours has been given up and is in a terrible mess – the incumbent works for the British Antarctic Survey and did not have enough time to look after it properly. A couple of us have been trying to tame it this week before the next occupant takes over.
On Wednesday I addressed the “NHS Retirement Fellowship” at Addenbrookes on the subject of “Salads”. There were 120 there but mainly fairly mature citizens!
Thursday saw us at Wickhambrook south of Newmarket for our walk which took in the Denston Estate and several racing stud farms. It was really dry underfoot and the predominant flowers were violets this week.

Denston Hall

Denston Hall Gatehouse & gate

Denston church with enclosed boxes

White violets
Garden wise I have planted tomatoes, sown carrots, scorzonera, radish, peas and parsnips and erected bean canes.
Esther and Emma came for lunch yesterday as a Mother’s day treat for Kate and Esther was able to advise one of our elderly friends on aides to help eating with a serious tremor.
Over went top of the league yesterday with a 3 v 1 win over Cottenham – again it was a feisty local derby and Over conceded their 4th penalty in 3 games!

Mike & Kate

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