March 2019
With the unseasonable warm dry weather it has been
tempting to get going too early on the garden – indeed Mervyn Howard, who is
impatient at the best of times, has planted up his whole area already! We
contented ourselves in digging up the border of Arum Lillies which has been in
place since we moved here to thin, clean and replace them – it was a serious
challenge. The apricot tree in the front garden is absolutely full of blossom
this year – maybe to make up for last year?
Apricot Blossom
Our “Wicken Fen” lecture this week covered “Birds”.
They have recorded 77 regular breeding species, 16 occasional breeding, 27
winterlings, 34 passing through and 80 vagrants. A Cambridge researcher has
spent 23 years studying cuckoos and has come up with some very interesting findings
such as they always stick to the species they were born in, female cuckoos can
imitate the calls of birds of prey to frighten the host (Reed Warblers) from
their nests so they can lay their eggs, Reed Warblers can detect very small
differences in egg size to depose of the cuckoos egg and this sense is sharper
when they know cuckoos are about and fledgling cuckoo chicks can imitate the
sound of a nest of Reed Warblers to encourage feeding.
This week’s Garden Club talk was at Baldock –
another large group of about 70. The chairman was an aged, cheerful silver
haired fellow – but when I was chatting to him found he was younger than me – I
guess you could draw a number of conclusions!
Thursday saw us at Widdington near Saffron Walden
for a walk that took in Henham and Debden. It was unbelievably dry underfoot
with plenty of catkins and daffodils in evidence.
Near the source of the
River Cam, between Widdington &
Prior’s Hall Barn,
“Augustus Pugin” was the Biography subject this
week. He was widowed, shipwrecked and imprisoned all before he was 20 and died
at 40 after 3 wives, 8 children and a very busy life as an architect and
designer. In 2 years when he was 26 -28 he designed 18, churches, 2 cathedrals,
2 convents and several schools and houses.
In the afternoon we had a chapel outing to Cambridge
Zoology museum which was reopened last year after a major refurbishment. And in
the evening I watched Over win the “William Cockell Memorial Cup final” 5 v 0
against Gamblingay at Newmarket under floodlights.
Zoology Museum
We were in March last night for an Area Association
Mike & Kate
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