Sunday, 29 March 2015

Dear All,

Last weekend our neighbour opposite announced that they were changing their patio and we could have the old slabs if we could use them. It was quite a large patio and although I eventually collected 60 slabs this was less than half the total area. It is being replaced by smart large sandstone pavers which I guess will not work out very cheap!
I have so far laid 47 in a path to the bottom shed and a standing area along one greenhouse.

New Path

The “Italian Cities” course drew to a close on Monday with a session on “Naples” With Vesuvius due to erupt any time the authorities organised a practice evacuation last year which in true Italian style ended in gridlock and farce as everyone seemed to follow their own agenda and not the agreed plan.

Bay of Naples

Castle Nouvo

Galleria Umberto

The walk this week started at Northill near Biggleswade and although there were a few showers it was not too bad. Kate managed to walk this week even though not 100% but has been exercising following a visit to a physio.

Pussy Willow

Silver Birchs

Old Warden

We had a NIAB Wrinklies lunch on Tuesday, Tom is due to visit again on the 8th April.

Sowing, planting and grass cutting this week but still a bit chilly so the spuds are still in the bedroom chitting.

I watched a top of the table clash between Shelford and Hardwick yesterday then we were invited to a meal at John and Vera Lee’s together with the Howards.


Mike & Kate

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