Sunday, 22 March 2015

22 March 2015

Dear All,

Spring seems to be on the way and gardening is clicking into gear. Next door has been sold without coming onto the market so we will almost certainly lose access to that garden. I am applying for an allotment but meanwhile I have started digging up a bit of the lawn and also decapitated the bamboo. This has been incredibly invasive with suckers showing up about 7 meters away.

Italian Cities featured “The Vatican” this week with one session to go. We have booked to go on the spin off trip to Italy in November.
I met up with John Law on Monday to plan the next Moldova outing at the end of April.
I celebrated my birthday on Tuesday by attending a Church Meeting! Thanks to all for cards or presents. We actually went out Wednesday evening for a meal at “The Old Crown” at Girton with the Kitsons, Howards, Fenwicks, & Kate F (Gordon was busy elsewhere).
Kate missed the walk this week resting her damaged muscle. She has actually seen a physio who has diagnosed the problem as a strained Iliopsoas muscle and although it cannot be directly strengthened surrounding muscles can, so she has some exercises to do.

The walk started at Hatfield Broad Oak and was fairly dry underfoot.

Hatfield Broad Oak

The last “Biography” of the year was “Handel” and I had to scan and project 25 photos for an elderly music teacher. This was followed by an end of term meal.
While we were queuing up to get into room we had a very brief glimpse of the eclipse – about as long as the memorable view of the Northern Lights last year!

Kate was cooking for Messy Church yesterday. I was sent home feeling achy so was able to watch most of the rugby yesterday.


Mike & Kate

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