Wednesday, 10 December 2014

7th December 2014

Dear All,

Yesterday Kate and I attended the “Winter Festival” at Mill Road, Cambridge at the invitation of David and Angela Miles-Dinham who live in the next street. David is leader of the U3A “Biographies” group and Angela attends “Just Vegetating”.  Mill Road is as near as we get to a diverse ethnic area in Cambridge, even if it does not come anywhere near to Streatham or North Harrow! The street was closed off for a parade and there were dozens of food offerings from around the planet together with choirs singing and Morris dancing. My main interest was to record the foreign vegetable displays in the various greengrocers – a mini Chinatown.
This was a bit late for “Just Vegetating” which this week covered “Oriental Vegetables” but I expect it will come in.

Mill Road

The U3A film this week was “A Journey to Italy” starring Ingrid Bergman and directed by Rosselini. It is claimed to be a classic of its time – but a bit slow moving. In the evening our home group had a meal out at “The Golden Ball”, Boxworth. John Lee was asking me all about my sister – I think you scored a hit Mary!

We made our initial attempt at Christmas shopping on Wednesday – a slightly over rated pastime but not too bad if you concentrate on the children.

On Thursday we reccied a walk from Perry on Graffham Water – not round the reservoir but inland. It was rather muddy but not too bad.

Mystery Construction on the Walk

On Friday it was my turn to present at “Biographies”. I chose “Daniel Defoe” and as usual you start off thinking “how can I fill the time” and end up trying to cram it all in as there was much more to DD than writing Robinson Crusoe.
      Trader, Manufacturer, Rebel, Satirist, Poet, Journalist, Pamphleteer and Spy
      Famous for: Robinson Crusoe, first novelist? Father of modern journalism?
      Imprisoned x3, In Pillory
      Wrote more than 500 books, pamphlets & journals
      Used at least 198 Pen Names
He only turned to writing novels when he was nearly 60 and they were all written in a 6 year period. Ask me more when you see me as I could bore you for several minutes.

Daniel Defoe & the Pillory

My children will remember Brian Tyrell – he phoned on Friday having been in hospital for 8 weeks. He had a Pseudomonas infection on his knee and almost lost a leg.


Mike & Kate

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