Sunday, 14 December 2014

14th December 2014

Dear All,

This has been the last week of the U3A term so relief all round! The “Just Vegetating” session was a brand new topic of “Culinary Herbs” – so even I had to listen. Kate livened up her recipe section by smuggling a bottle of absinthe into the Friends Meeting House! – Strictly in the interests of illustrating the use of herbs in drinks. This year’s class have been excellent and besides signing a flattering card presented us both with books about “Arthur Young” and a bouquet for Kate.

“Just Vegetating” class of 2014

We had a brief flurry of snow on Thursday as we set out for the walk but fortunately the day improved and the sun even made an appearance. We were leading the walk we had reccied last week from Perry at Grafham Water.

Puzzling over the Mystery Objects

Grafham Water deliberately low for bank repairs

In the evening we attended the Over Players Pantomime “Pinocchio”. There were some strong performances but several of the regulars were missing. “More like a musical than a Pantomime” was music critic Kate Day’s verdict.

I have been digging a trench to get electricity laid on to our greenhouses but have to get an electrician to connect the wiring as there are so many rules about such things these days.

Hilda next door had a fall on Wednesday and is currently in Addenbrooks with a cracked hip.
We have mailed cards and presents this week and collected a tree from the Fenwick’s – still only £10 for 7 ft!
Over drew 2v2 with a powerful Lakenheath outfit yesterday in an action packed evenly matched game.
John Bell rang last night to discuss the pictures we sent with their card – he doesn’t like to leave anything to chance!


Mike & Kate

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