Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dear All,

A few presentations this week: Kate gave a talk on “Smallpox in Bleak House” to the Dickens Society for which she has received generous accolades. I had a Garden Club appointment at Benington, near Stevenage on Wednesday then a “Rambling Year” presentation at the U3A Ramblers New Year Social on Friday.
On Monday I had a glimpse of why the NHS is not always as efficient as it should be. I was called back to see the specialist who looked at my lung scan results last August expecting another scan. However, when I eventually got to see him after the statutory 45 minutes wait he said: “I don’t know why they have called you in – I don’t want to see you again for 12 months!”
This week saw the start of the new U3A term and I have swapped “Just Vegetating” for “Eat, Drink and Be Healthy” which examines all the spurious claims of the food and medical industries. The first book on the reading list is “Bad Science” by Ben Goldacre. Later I joined some ex NIAB “wrinklies” for lunch while Kate went to the U3A film “The Godfather II!
Kate achieved another target on Wednesday by getting a walking boot on her recovering foot. We walked round the village OK but it was throbbing a bit afterwards.
The Thursday walk did not go according to plan. I arrived at Haddenham with my passenger June from Willingham, when she had a call from her son who has a Personality Disorder. He lives on a barge at Ely and frequently phones for up to 3 hours at a time to berate her about things. In the end I had to take her home in tears. He isn’t getting any better and she is not getting much help, the situation is worse because her husband is working in Bristol all week.
I didn’t get back to Haddenham until 11.30 but managed a short solo walk round the fen to Aldreth.

Aldreth Drove

“Biographies” this week was “Dickens part 2” delivered by a lady speaking at ninety miles per hour as a literature review rather than a biography.
Gardening muscles were stretched a little this week buying seed potatoes, onion, garlic and shallot sets and sowing peas and beans in modules in the greenhouse.
It was “Messy Church” again yesterday. Kate was IC food and I was in charge of making “Cress men”.

Messy Church


Mike & Kate

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