Sunday, 12 January 2014


Dear All,


Kate has been suffering from a heavy cold this week – which has perhaps helped take her mind off her foot? The foot is still improving and she managed to swim on Monday and catered for 40 at the chapel social last night.

I have spent quite a lot of time on the computer this week preparing presentations for the social last night and the walkers New Year party this coming Friday as well as the February Gardening Column.

I pruned the apple trees on Wednesday and planted some bulbs in pots in the greenhouse. The Thursday walk started at Arrington taking in Croydon and the Wimpole Park – a bit muddy but could have been much worse.

 Walking near or in Wimpole


Later in the day I met up with some old NIAB colleagues at Oakington Garden Centre. Also present was a man called Alan Shipp who is the holder of the national Hyacinth collection. He has about 1000 varieties and holds an open day at Waterbeach at the end of March each year.

The Social meal was excellent, menu: starters, pate or butternut squash soup, main, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, potatoes au gratin, red cabbage, peas and sweet corn, or chicken bake in mushroom sauce, choice of eight sweets, cheese and biscuits, tea or coffee, price £7. The review gets longer each year – 170 slides this year.

Over suffered a rare defeat yesterday 1 v 0 in the cup appearing rather rusty after several blank weeks.




Mike & Kate

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