Sunday, 9 October 2011

9th October 2011

9th October 2011.

Dear All,

Here is the latest granddaughter offering which I think is a rather fetching out outfit – though in deference to her grandfather they could have dressed her as a vegetable rather than a strawberry! Mary Ann, Andy and Amélie have spent some days down at Brighton and Esther joined them at the weekend.

I have started another project for Gardening Which this week. I had a parcel of 10 leading gardening books delivered to review for the Christmas market – and I get to keep the books – so that has solved this years Christmas present offering!
We have another quiz to prepare for the 21st October to raise funds for the Day Care Centre. Kate has been busy collecting most of the questions – so that has solved Christmas entertainment as well?
I drove up to Crockey Hill near York on Thursday for the National Carrot demonstration. David Cook, form walking, came with me as he is a keen gardener. The weather was a shock after days approaching 30°C the temperature was in single figures with alternate wind, sunshine and violent squalls. The demonstration consists of variety plots, taste panel, machinery and trade stands in a giant marquee.

I had to miss walking this week because of the carrots but managed a swim and otherwise have started winter digging and working on a Family Service and the Riverford project.
I followed Over to an away fixture at Ely yesterday. Ely boasts a smart sports complex for football, rugby, hockey and golf. I can remember watching Ben play a final there – they even have stands! Over outplayed them and only managed a 2v2 draw.


Mike & Kate

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