Sunday, 30 October 2011

30th October 2011

30th October 2011.

Dear All,

I had a visit to West Dean gardens near Chichester on Monday, they were hosting an RHS celeriac trial and a couple of us missed the Panel visit earlier so were given a personalised conducted tour by Sarah Wain the Gardens Manager. They started dedicated pepper, tomato and apple days which have been copied throughout the land – there were 16 pepper days in the UK this year. West Dean had 280 varieties of peppers and attracted 20,000 visitors over 3 days. The estate was funded by the Dodge Foundation and covers 6,000 acres, a college as well as the gardens.

West Dean

The U3A film this week was all 4 hours and 3 minutes of “Cleopatra” the length reduced the audience of the elderly fearing that one toilet break would not be sufficient! I remember the coverage in 1963 when it came out as delays eventually cranked the cost up to $44m and part of the studio had to sold to cover the loss. It was however much better than I imagined but would almost certainly been better split in two.
Kate led house group on Tuesday on the subject of “Saudi Arabia” which was very interesting but has not promoted it further up the “must visit” league.
On Wednesday I returned the cricket pitch motor roller to its winter quarters on a farm down the fen. On the way a guy I know was by chance making a stone drive for someone so I earned £20 (for the club) unexpectedly as he was just about to hire a plate thumper. When I got to the farm their faithful collie bit me on the leg drawing blood – so not an uneventful journey.
The Art Appreciation was better this week as it was on Florence and having visited the city it was easier to empathise with the lecture. Also the air conditioning was on so I failed to drop off even once!
Our walk was the only damp day hereabouts but the overnight rain had just made the surface sticky and we did not need waterproofs while walking. It was however hard work: 10.5 miles, a few hills, a sticky surface and a brisk pace – I need to go back to training. We started at Brent Pellham and took in Berden and Furneux Pellham.

Furneux Pellham

On Friday we travelled to Hutton and met up with not only Esther but Mary-Ann, Amélie and Natasha. After an intense photographic session and lunch we visited Hylands Park, Chelmsford where they hold the “V” festival. They have a resident Suffolk heavy horse collection and the autumn colours were showing up spectacularly this week.

Guess who?

Yesterday several of us drove to Solihull for the celebration of 150 years of the Grace Baptist Mission. All but three of the missionaries were back and they had imported Don Carson to speak. The closing service was recorded for the BBC so you may have heard us singing at 8.10 am this morning?

Hyland Park


Mike & Kate

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