Sunday, 30 October 2011

30th October 2011

30th October 2011.

Dear All,

I had a visit to West Dean gardens near Chichester on Monday, they were hosting an RHS celeriac trial and a couple of us missed the Panel visit earlier so were given a personalised conducted tour by Sarah Wain the Gardens Manager. They started dedicated pepper, tomato and apple days which have been copied throughout the land – there were 16 pepper days in the UK this year. West Dean had 280 varieties of peppers and attracted 20,000 visitors over 3 days. The estate was funded by the Dodge Foundation and covers 6,000 acres, a college as well as the gardens.

West Dean

The U3A film this week was all 4 hours and 3 minutes of “Cleopatra” the length reduced the audience of the elderly fearing that one toilet break would not be sufficient! I remember the coverage in 1963 when it came out as delays eventually cranked the cost up to $44m and part of the studio had to sold to cover the loss. It was however much better than I imagined but would almost certainly been better split in two.
Kate led house group on Tuesday on the subject of “Saudi Arabia” which was very interesting but has not promoted it further up the “must visit” league.
On Wednesday I returned the cricket pitch motor roller to its winter quarters on a farm down the fen. On the way a guy I know was by chance making a stone drive for someone so I earned £20 (for the club) unexpectedly as he was just about to hire a plate thumper. When I got to the farm their faithful collie bit me on the leg drawing blood – so not an uneventful journey.
The Art Appreciation was better this week as it was on Florence and having visited the city it was easier to empathise with the lecture. Also the air conditioning was on so I failed to drop off even once!
Our walk was the only damp day hereabouts but the overnight rain had just made the surface sticky and we did not need waterproofs while walking. It was however hard work: 10.5 miles, a few hills, a sticky surface and a brisk pace – I need to go back to training. We started at Brent Pellham and took in Berden and Furneux Pellham.

Furneux Pellham

On Friday we travelled to Hutton and met up with not only Esther but Mary-Ann, Amélie and Natasha. After an intense photographic session and lunch we visited Hylands Park, Chelmsford where they hold the “V” festival. They have a resident Suffolk heavy horse collection and the autumn colours were showing up spectacularly this week.

Guess who?

Yesterday several of us drove to Solihull for the celebration of 150 years of the Grace Baptist Mission. All but three of the missionaries were back and they had imported Don Carson to speak. The closing service was recorded for the BBC so you may have heard us singing at 8.10 am this morning?

Hyland Park


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 23 October 2011

23rd October 2011

23rd October 2011.

Dear All,

I had my first outing on the Guided Bus this week and was very impressed. I caught it at Longstanton to travel to Cambridge City centre and apart from deciding which of three options of operator and route to catch, it was fairly stress free.

Guided Bus

I was going to the U3A Film Club which this week was showing “Counterfeiters” a 2007 German film about the conscience dilemma of Jewish prisoners in a concentration camp producing forged pounds and dollars in exchange for survival and better conditions. It was very well done and a remarkable film for Germans to produce as it pulled no punches about concentration camps.
On Wednesday I attended my first class on “Renaissance Art” Giotto and Assisi frescos. It was in a warm windowless room with a softly spoken Danish lady with a Scottish accent using 90 odd slides so continuously dark. Did I nod off? Only about 3 times!
I had to MOT and re licence the Astra this week which is an expensive hobby as it initially needed a new track rod end. On Monday evening I had my first Garden Club talk of the autumn at Lakenheath. There were about 45 present and fairly lively but shy about questions until individually at tea time.
In the garden it has been a bit more digging – I cannot recall it ever being so dry at this time of the year. I have sown broad beans for over wintering and harvested some late planted potatoes and Kate has picked all the remaining tomatoes and peppers before they are knobbled by the frost.
Our Thursday walk was fairly local starting at Clayhithe on the Cam and skirting Lode and Longmeadow. 10.5 miles but sunny and good walking conditions.

The Bridge Hotel, Clayhithe

Shadows in the Fens

I finished the gardening book reviews, tip – avoid the celebrity tomes i.e. Alan Titchmarsh, Carol Klein, Alys Fowler – there are others which are far better and cheaper.
Kate and I ran the Day Centre fund raising quiz on Friday night. It seemed to go very well with 10 teams of 6, despite having to abandon their sound amplification system which was awful. I think it raised about £400.

Day Centre Quiz

Over had their 4th away match running and dominated Littleport but only managed a 1 v 1 draw in a tricky cross wind. In midweek they narrowly lost to semi professional Ely 1st team in a county cup, 3 v 2 in the last minute.
David Smith our pastor has been to Moldova this week to help with training Moldovan pastors. It was a quick visit but he seemed to enjoy it.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 16 October 2011

16th October 2011

16th October 2011.

Dear All,

It has been a busy week involving work, U3A, family and church activities.
Work wise I have started the new Gardening Which project and reviewed 9 of the 10 books I have report on. Would you rather have a book with technical illustrations or one full of photos of Alan, Alys or Carol sniffing a rose or carrying a flower pot?
I have also put time in on the Riverford project as it was the Brassica open days in Lincolnshire on Wednesday which I was covering for them: 6 seed companies and 132 photos! I now have to prepare final recommendations for them for next year.

Brassica Demonstrations

The U3A term began this week (walking never stops) I have joined “Renaissance Art Appreciation” but had to miss the first session as I was at the open days. I have also joined the Film Club and watched “East of Eden” starring James Dean who was probably the No.1 heartthrob when most of the audience were that age!
Out Thursday walk met at Borough Green in race horse territory near Newmarket and proceeded via Brinkley, Western Colville and West Wratting. It was sunny all the way but we kept thinking this might be the last serious sunshine we will see this year.

Borough Green Library

Kate and I travelled to Hutton on Friday. Kate was busy with curtains while I was erecting curtain rails and installing wooden blinds plus a bit of gardening. In the evening we were helping with the Youth club as it was a session on Moldova with John Law.

Kate hanging curtains
I watched Over beating Chatteris yesterday and met Kevin Carpenter who was asking after Mary-Ann and Ben – he is now a postman in Chatteris. I was watching with Bill Wilson who still reminisces about Ben’s performances while watching Daniel (I taught him all he knows!) Ivett.
Today our Church group were responsible for the Family Service which went OK after a few teething problems and this afternoon we have been to Anglesey Abbey with Bob and Carol to admire their spectrum of dahlias.

Anglesey Abbey Dahlia spectrum


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 9 October 2011

9th October 2011

9th October 2011.

Dear All,

Here is the latest granddaughter offering which I think is a rather fetching out outfit – though in deference to her grandfather they could have dressed her as a vegetable rather than a strawberry! Mary Ann, Andy and Amélie have spent some days down at Brighton and Esther joined them at the weekend.

I have started another project for Gardening Which this week. I had a parcel of 10 leading gardening books delivered to review for the Christmas market – and I get to keep the books – so that has solved this years Christmas present offering!
We have another quiz to prepare for the 21st October to raise funds for the Day Care Centre. Kate has been busy collecting most of the questions – so that has solved Christmas entertainment as well?
I drove up to Crockey Hill near York on Thursday for the National Carrot demonstration. David Cook, form walking, came with me as he is a keen gardener. The weather was a shock after days approaching 30°C the temperature was in single figures with alternate wind, sunshine and violent squalls. The demonstration consists of variety plots, taste panel, machinery and trade stands in a giant marquee.

I had to miss walking this week because of the carrots but managed a swim and otherwise have started winter digging and working on a Family Service and the Riverford project.
I followed Over to an away fixture at Ely yesterday. Ely boasts a smart sports complex for football, rugby, hockey and golf. I can remember watching Ben play a final there – they even have stands! Over outplayed them and only managed a 2v2 draw.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 2 October 2011

2nd October 2011

2nd October 2011.

Dear All,

Kate and I met up with Tom Webster for a meal at Jock & Molly Sneddon’s on Monday night. I had previously taken Tom out for the day before we went away, then a group of retired NIAB folk organised a pub lunch for him at Girton on Tuesday. He has adapted to his prosthetic leg very well but there is a slight worry that a small sore has developed on his other leg and that is how the trouble started on the one he lost.

Dick Knight & Tom

The traffic has been dreadful on the A 14/M11 nearly everyday this week with 7 lorries being involved in accidents during the first 4 days. It took me 55 mins to get to Impington for swimming instead of the usual 15 mins on Wednesday. The A 14 traffic was being diverted through the villages then a cyclist was knocked off in Willingham. Our Thursday walk started at Walkern near Stevenage and was probably the hottest we have had all year, I expect you saw that Cambridge was the hottest place in the UK on Friday at 29°C, warmer than any day we played cricket this summer!

Wood End


It is harvest festival weekend and the chapel has again been transformed. We had a supper last night addressed by Richard Todd the head gardener of Anglesey Abbey and this morning’s service is being taken by “World Vision”.

Harvest Display


Mike & Kate