Monday, 8 June 2009

8th June 2009

8th June 2009.

Dear All,

Late delivery this week, Kate has cleared the kitchen and the workmen arrived on time this morning to strip the old units and tiles and install the new.
We attended a U3A lecture on “A New Way to look at the Countryside” this week by Dr Peter Friend. His son is in my cricket team and Peter who was a geology lecturer at CU has just written a new book explaining why the scenery looks as it does.
On Friday we also went to a photographic exhibition in Longstanton church mainly by Jeff Harrison a native of Longstanton who is a semi professional wildlife photographer specialising in kingfishers and barn owls. He gave an illustrated talk as well as showing stills and it was excellent, have a look on his website if you are interested:
It was Icknield Way section 4 on Thursday from Baldock to Therfield. This was the best section so far with good views and over hung leafy lanes.

Therfield near Royston

Icknield Way section 4

As a rarity we won both chapel and village cricket matches this week only hospitalising one man on Wednesday (ball in the teeth) and felling two with blows to the body on Saturday (neither incident anything to do with me) I managed 30 runs and 2 wickets on Saturday so there is still some life in the old dog…..
I managed to break the drive belt on the cricket mower last week and had an anxious wait for a replacement which did not turn up until Friday so we had to prepare the wicket in the rain.
We hope to go walking in the Yorkshire Dales next week so no letter.


Mike & Kate

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