Sunday, 31 May 2009

31st May 09

31st May 2009.

Dear All,

Chapel cricket started this week and we began with a 3 wicket win at Elsworth, village cricket continues to struggle with both 1st and 2nds losing again yesterday.
On the wildlife front this week we enjoyed the “march of the butterflies” as reported in the media. We had a stream of Painted Lady butterflies flying across our garden on Thursday evening – about one every 30 seconds. After this we were invited to Glynis and Richard Fenwick’s for dinner and to view the new allotments created in Mustills Lane. There are about 10 new plots which all look very well – must be getting good advice from the Over News Gardening column!
The walk this week was Icknield Way section 3: Pegsdon (North of Luton) to Baldock. The first half was on the Chiltern Ridge which was clear for a change with excellent views, the second half was a bit urban through Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock.

Icknield Way near Pegsdon

Lunch at Ickleford

Friday I collected items for Moldova from three locations in Over and Longstanton and transported them to NIAB for storage. We are planning another lorry in the autumn but have to raise over £2K to pay for it.
We had a visit to the tile shop on Saturday to choose some to go with the new kitchen units which should be ready for fitting in a couple of weeks.
In between these items it has been church commitments and gardening. We have interviewed a chap for the assistant church worker role today: a 38 year old bachelor and not too promising. Sunday lunch was a BBQ at Kate and Gordon’s with this mornings speaker from the Albanian Evangelical Mission. Tonight we have a combined “Christians in Over” Pentecost Praise service in St Mary’s.
Picked the first strawberries and peas yesterday and have spent too much time watering this week.


Mike & Kate

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