Sunday, 10 November 2024


10th November 2024


Dear All,

 After swimming on Monday I tuned into U3A Balkans, this week it was Croatia which was familiar in parts.






Plitvice National park

We walked on Tuesday this week starting at a new venue in the village of Abbotsley and taking in Croxton, the deserted Medieval village of Weald and Hail Lane. Abbotsley is a very attractive village and it was a very rural walk with several long green lanes.






Site of Weald



Abbotsley Green


Wednesday reads: collected new glasses, Tesco’s, Church Group, Digging and Trump re-elected!

On Thursday we received a visit from Rachel, Grace, Arthur and Nathan Burrell who moved from Over to Norwich last year. Grace now 8 years old is very bright and good company, Arthur 6 is a middle child and needs a little attention and Nathan nearly 2 seems to be very quick on the uptake.

They stayed until Saturday morning and left leaving behind one pair of trainers, one jumper and one anorak! The house has nearly recovered!



Arthur & Grace



Nathan & Arthur



Nathan & Rachel


On Thursday evening I had an Over Show Committee where the earth-shaking decision was taken to include crafts in next year’s show.


The Biographies topic this week was Pope Pius IX who was head of the Catholic Church from 1846 to 1878. His reign of nearly 32 years is the longest of any pope in history. He was notable for convoking the First Vatican Council in 1868 and for permanently losing control of the Papal States in 1870 to the Kingdom of Italy. He was elected as a liberal and become very conservative.



Pius IX


Over had another hard-won victory on Saturday beating Foxton 1 v 0 to rise to 2nd in the league.


Mike & Kate

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