Sunday, 28 July 2024


28th July 2024


Dear All,

With the start of school holidays, the swimming timetable has altered but we managed a later swim on Monday in a slightly crowded pool. In the afternoon we visited Oakington Garden Centre which is having a large overhaul and Tesco’s. It was also the time for rejoining U3A and filling in our course choices for the coming year.

I had a follow up blood letting to check kidney function on Tuesday and unusually for me the nurse struggled to access a vein and apologised for treating me like a dart board! Vegetables are continuing to come on line with plenty of tomatoes, cucumbers, French and Runner Beans, in addition we have harvested second early potatoes Charlotte and Kestrel and the sample is very large.



Tuesday’s Harvest


Weeds seem to enjoy the warm wet weather so it has been a challenge to keep on top of them. With Over Show looming I made a practice loaf of bread on Tuesday and it was OK but Kate thinks it could be better!

Wednesday evening, we entertained the CEEM committee for a meal before holding a meeting. The good news is that the Firemen’s uniforms have reached Moldova at last the bad news is that the Charity Commission seem to think we should fill in a set of 10 forms.

Kate and I were leading the walk on Thursday as it was starting in Over and crossing the river at Brownshill Staunch and circumnavigating Barleycroft Lake in Bluntisham. It was good conditions for walking – not too hot and the fussiest lady member actually said “This is the best walk we have had this year!”



Ouse Fen Bank



Approaching the Staunch



Barleycroft Lake



Stabiliser Cattle


John Lane and I prepared the cricket pitch Friday morning but at 8.30 pm we were summoned to the square as a group of youths had lit a bonfire in the middle including a aerosol can which exploded. The police were called but predictably did not appear but a fire engine did. We cleared up the mess and there was not too much damage apart from an ugly burnt patch.

On Saturday morning it was Men’s Breakfast time and I was asked to speak on John Hullier who was a Protestant martyr burnt at the stake on Jesus Green in Cambridge during Bloody Mary’s reign in 1556. Actually, I had not heard of him so it involved a little research but there was a good turn-out of about 30. Later I put together an exhibit for the Over Show. It is it’s 50th anniversary this year and I have listed, with photos, some of the oldest varieties which are still grown.

Over had another good win in the afternoon dismissing St Ives 3rds for 151 and knocking off 152 for 5 wickets.




Mike & Kate

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