Sunday, 1 October 2023


1st October 2023


Dear All,

The week started with rather a chilly swim as the pump had broken down again but it wasn’t too bad once you were in and flailing! I had a rather nasty computer hack this week which started sending rude messages to a Zoom session I was on.

It was the start of autumn clearing in the garden shredding sweet corn stover and Jerusalem Artichokes which reached 10ft. I then started winter digging and planted Elephant Garlic.

On Wednesday I accompanied three walking colleagues to Northampton to catch the last cricket match of the season. It was not great cricket weather being damp and windy and Essex did not perform well eventually losing by an innings.



Essex Fielding



Rob, Mike, Lawrie & Ian


Our Thursday walk was fairly local starting at Horningsea and walking along the River Cam to Clayhithe and back along the Fen Rivers Way. It was a bit breezy but otherwise conditions were good.



Bridge over the Cam at Bate’s Bite Lock



Cam Boats



Cone laden Fir Tree


On Friday included Tesco’s, Oakington Garden Centre then St Ives for a Flu jab.

It was Gransden Show on Saturday. It is a huge effort for a one-day show but thankfully the weather was kind. It is an old fashion show with plenty of animals, some machinery old and new, a produce competition and loads of craft and food stalls. Besides this we always bump into former colleagues and acquaintances. One of the highlights this year was a “Sheep Show” on and open sided lorry with built up steps. The MC was a master showman and brought out different breeds of sheep one by one and told stories about them and ended with a shearing demonstration.



 Sheep Show



Lincolnshire Longwool



Pig Judging



Clydesdale heavy Horse



First Prize Fruit Collection



First Prize Vegetable Collection


I got back in time to see Over Res 3 v 0 Fordham!


Mike & Kate

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