Sunday, 28 May 2023


28th May 2023


Dear All,

Both Ben and Andy took part in the London to Brighton Challenge yesterday, Ben running and Andy walking. Both finished the 100 kilometres in excellent times considering the heat of between 14 and 15 hours if I can interpret the race print outs accurately – so well done.




Race Heros!


 Meanwhile in the more geriatric world it was back to swimming on Monday followed by Brussel sprout planting then the annual chapel 10 Pin Bowling evening at Pidley. There were about 35 for the pretournament meal and 24 bowling. I didn’t star but it was an enjoyable evening.



Pidley Bowling


I had my latest Covid booster in Cambridge on Tuesday- arms like pin cushions now! Then my new mower arrived in pieces so had to be assembled.

Our Thursday walk started at Potton and took in Sandy Heath, the Gravel pits and RSPB HQ at Sandy. It was a good walk with varied scenery and loads of Miner’s lettuce (Claytonia).






Sandy Pits






Sandy Lodge, RSPB HQ


We have been on badger alert again this week as they managed to savage my carrots grown in pots and placed in the fruit cage for safety. We have barricaded the bottom of the garden with pallets but the night cam last night revealed two frolicking near the pond.


I have planted melons, squash, marrows and pumpkins this week but with the warm dry conditions we seem to be back to regular watering again.

 Albert has passed a Karate assessment - so watch out everyone!

Karate King

Geoff and I have to give a presentation on our recent Moldova trip in the service tonight.



Mike & Kate



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