Sunday, 28 May 2023


28th May 2023


Dear All,

Both Ben and Andy took part in the London to Brighton Challenge yesterday, Ben running and Andy walking. Both finished the 100 kilometres in excellent times considering the heat of between 14 and 15 hours if I can interpret the race print outs accurately – so well done.




Race Heros!


 Meanwhile in the more geriatric world it was back to swimming on Monday followed by Brussel sprout planting then the annual chapel 10 Pin Bowling evening at Pidley. There were about 35 for the pretournament meal and 24 bowling. I didn’t star but it was an enjoyable evening.



Pidley Bowling


I had my latest Covid booster in Cambridge on Tuesday- arms like pin cushions now! Then my new mower arrived in pieces so had to be assembled.

Our Thursday walk started at Potton and took in Sandy Heath, the Gravel pits and RSPB HQ at Sandy. It was a good walk with varied scenery and loads of Miner’s lettuce (Claytonia).






Sandy Pits






Sandy Lodge, RSPB HQ


We have been on badger alert again this week as they managed to savage my carrots grown in pots and placed in the fruit cage for safety. We have barricaded the bottom of the garden with pallets but the night cam last night revealed two frolicking near the pond.


I have planted melons, squash, marrows and pumpkins this week but with the warm dry conditions we seem to be back to regular watering again.

 Albert has passed a Karate assessment - so watch out everyone!

Karate King

Geoff and I have to give a presentation on our recent Moldova trip in the service tonight.



Mike & Kate



Sunday, 21 May 2023


21st May 2023


Dear All,

I guess it was back to normality this week after 3 weeks away. Evenings this week went Tuesday: church meeting, Wednesday: Over Garden Club, Thursday: Over Produce Show committee, Friday CEEM committee. Stir in plenty of gardening, cricket pitch preparation and a local walk and the result is nothing out of the ordinary.

Kate started the week far from well, shivering, aching and low in energy, then after four days she developed diarrhoea and feeling sick but dry heaving and now after a week slowly recovering but still not 100%. Not that this caused her to slow down overmuch which might not have helped?

The garden took a lot of weeding after being away but is now largely under control. This week I have planted courgettes, sweet corn, sweet potatoes and sown swedes more sweet corn and lettuce. I have also erected the brassica cage at the allotment.



Veg Patch



Early Potatoes.


I had a Pneumonia jab on Tuesday but Kate cancelled her slot. A new fridge arrived Wednesday and I ordered a new lawn mower so we are spending the kid’s inheritance!

The garden club speaker was from a nursery near Peterborough and he brought about 150 slightly unusual plants with him to talk about and sell. He was clearly a character and bore an uncanny resemblance to Ross Noble the Geordie comedian!  Kate was not well enough to join the walk on Thursday but we managed a local circuit on Saturday down the orchard and up through the allotments,



Orchard plus cow parsley

A feature was the May blossom, the wild flower strip near the allotments which featured crimson clover and the profusion of buttercups along Mustill’s Lane.



Wild Flower strip with Crimson Clover




Buttercup meadow



May Blossom


CEEM is going better with Gordon sorting the finances and Geoff adding enthusiasm. Folk have been very generous with donations and this week I received a surprise cheque from cousin Muriel.

Local Cricket is underway so that has meant pitch preparation for the first match on The Green which Over won convincingly today by 8 wickets thanks to the inclusion of a keen Indian gentleman who took 3 wickets for 2 runs and scored 45 runs,




Mike & Kate


Sunday, 14 May 2023


14th May 2023


Dear All,

12 days in Moldova, 2 days at home then a week in the Lake District was not ideal planning but that is how it worked out. One of our walking group is a keen HF Holiday enthusiast and arranged to take over the whole hostel at Derwent Bank and filled it with 60 members of the Tuesday and Thursday U3A groups. It was Kate and my first experience of HF and we were very impressed with the organisation, leaders, accommodation and food. The house was right on the shore of Derwent Water and three walks of different lengths and difficulty were arranged each day, led by knowledgeable volunteers. The only slight downside was that we were on the top floor and 51 steps after a long walk was a good way to finish us off!

We opted for the middle walk on the first day which tackled the summits of Outside and Barrow. It was 9 miles with tough ascents and one of our friends Ian fainted and fell backwards cracking his head on a rock and bled profusely. Kate was nearest to him and while tending him received several splodges of blood on her smart anorak. The leader Steve, dealt with the situation very professionally but we had to get Ian down to the road and arrange for a taxi to take him to hospital to be checked over – as this was exactly the time of the Coronation the taxi took some time to arrive, so it added 90 minutes to our jaunt. I have never really subscribed to the opinion that ”coming down is worse than climbing up” but in this case the long descent from Barrow was a severe test for everyone’s knees. In all we were out for 8 hours so an exacting test on our first day, but magnificent views.



Newlands Valley



Ascent to Outside


“Brought wit is cheapest!” so we opted for walk 1 for the rest of the week. The next walk followed the shoreline of Derwent Water to Rosthwaite including a climb up to Millican Dalton’s cave. Dalton returned from WWI rather affected and lived in this remote cave for a while. The route gave excellent views of the lake and was not nearly so demanding.



Derwent Water





Monday was a free day and a bit overcast. Six of us caught a boat which zig zagged up the lake and got off at the far end to explore the Ladore Falls then climbed up to Ashness Bridge. We had a little drizzle but nothing serious.



Derwent Water from Ladore



Ashness Bridge


On Tuesday we headed for the Whinlatter Forest trails opposite Skiddaw and enjoyed end to end sunshine and again spectacular views.



View from Spring bank towards Skiddaw



View towards Bassenthwaite Lake


On Wednesday we were the other side of the valley in the foothills of Skiddaw. While the group 3 climbed to the summit of Skiddaw, disappointedly hidden in cloud, we scaled the smaller peak of Latrigg with a very civilised gentle ascent. But excellent views of Keswick and Derwent Water. Returning to Keswick we had time to visit the Pencil Museum – surely the high point of any outing!






Keswick Pencil Museum


For our last walk we caught a bus to Ullswater and walked most of the length of the lake enjoying our only shower of the week. The weather really was kind to us as on our return to Over the rain gauge read 53 mm! We climbed to the top of Aire Falls.






Lyulph’s Tower above Ullswater


We arrived home 1.40pm Friday amazed at the growth in the garden during the week away and found the goldfish swimming in the grass surrounding the over flowed pond. Kate did not feel well and is still struggling with a temperature, aches and pains but has tested -ve for Covid.


Mike & Kate