29th January 2023
Dear All,
It was a -7°C start to
the week and on Monday you tend to think “Do I really want to go for a swim?”
but when you go with friends you get carried away with the group momentum! The
pool was a reasonable temperature and only 10 participants so a not unpleasant
experience. Mervyn is very good and takes us into Cambridge after swimming and
drops us outside the Friends Meeting House for “Just Vegetating”. This week it
was “Alliums” and Kate produced Shallot tartin, Sauerkraut, Leek and cheese
bake and Red Onion and cucumber salad.
On Tuesday we did a recce
at Therfield for a walk we are leading next week. The ground was still frozen
but we planned to avoid some potentially very muddy stretches now that it has
thawed. One highlight was spotting a white pheasant – something I have never
seen before.
Ingle was here again for lunch on Wednesday before church group discussion at
the Kitson’s. The Day Centre sent an email asking whether we would like to
present two quizzes this year and would I give a talk on gardening to the
inmates. The answers were no – too much work and yes – but how to entertain
geriatrics with hearing difficulties!
Thursday walk was more demanding than Tuesday as the top inch had thawed and
the going was sticky but not too bad as it was still solid below. We started at
Shepreth and took in Fowlmere, Foxton and Barrington.
9 Furrow
Reversible Plough
Shepreth Mill
Biography subject on Friday was Lachlan Macquarie who was a British Army
officer and colonial administrator from Scotland. Macquarie served as the fifth
Governor of New South Wales from 1810 to 1821, and had a leading role in the
social, economic, and architectural development of the colony. He had served in
India and Egypt before Australia where he had a difficult job running the
colony only 21 years after the first convicts were landed.
Lachlan Macquarie
have started pricking out the first chitted seeds once the compost had thawed.
On the allotment virtually all the winter brassicas have been wiped out so I
had the indignity of buying a cabbage for Just Vegetating next Monday. I did
manage to harvest parsnips and leeks which have survived reasonably well.
watched Over Res 0 v 1 Cottenham 1st yesterday, Over are a young
team and played well only to loose to a silly penalty. Meanwhile Kate attended
a Dementia training day at Warboys led by a lady doctor who has suffered with
the disease for 12 years.
Cambridge News topic this week was “Puddles” and I had two published – both
from Over Fen.
After Sugar Beet
Cattle Paddling
& Kate