Sunday, 4 September 2022


4th September 2022


Dear All,

Highlight this week has been the delivery on Friday of two loads of FYM, one for the allotment and one for the garden. As the garden load was dumped on the front drive, we spent Friday afternoon moving 40 barrow loads to the back. Kate loading and me on transport – don’t tell me I don’t know how to give a girl a good time!


A Good Time in Over!

No more rain this week so watering recommenced. The forecast seems to fall into a pattern of promising rain a week in advance with the likelihood diminishing as the day approaches.

I have been working on my Biography presentation for the next session the subject this time is “Robert Bakewell” an eighteenth-century agricultural improver. He dramatically improved Leicester sheep and Longhorn cattle as well as developing Shire horses, pigs and cattle cabbage,


Robert Bakewell


Our Thursday outing this week began at Chrishall and circled via Langley and Duddenhoe End. This took in the highest point of Cambridgeshire at a giddying 147 m! It was noticeable how the blackberries had improved after the previous week’s rain. We met some striking Zwartbles sheep from Holland and spotted several autumnal fungi.


 Near Chrishall


Zwartbles Sheep



Parasol Fungi


On the family front it has been back to school in Hove with Amḗlie having the trauma of starting a new school.



Brave smiles!

Meanwhile Ben was Master of Ceremonies at a Kings College graduation ceremony.


MoC Ben


On the garden front I was very pleased to pick the best melon I have ever grown, something else which appreciated the hot weather – and it really tasted good.


Cantaloupe Melon - Emir




Mike & Kate

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