Sunday, 17 April 2022


17th April 2022


Dear All,

Having met most of you all this week much of the news might be stale! Mary-Ann, Andy, Amḗlie and Albert arrived Sunday afternoon and Kate and I were responsible for the children on Monday and Tuesday while the parents were working. On Monday it was model making, Willingham playground and the Auction House for lunch.



Willingham Playground


Model Making


On Tuesday we booked in to “Inflatabounce” at Wyton. This was a vast barn 150 yards by 40 yards filled with inflatables in which to bounce for a 3-hour session. This seemed to go quite well and certainly had the bonus of tiring everyone (including watching grandparents!) out.







On Wednesday we all caught the guided bus to Cambridge and while Mary-Ann and Andy visited the Hockney exhibition in the Fitzwilliam we took the children to the Sedgewick Museum to view fossils then a romp and picnic on Parker’s Piece and explore the playground on Jesus Green.


Sedgewick Dinosaur


Sedgwick Fossils



Dinosaur head

We collected Ben from Huntingdon station on Wednesday evening and we all travelled to Beaumont and Frinton for Jen’s committal and Thanksgiving service. We left in plenty of time but got held up in Linton and made the committal in Beaumont churchyard with a minute to spare. This was supervised by Graham and attended mainly by the family followed by some refreshments at Faith Farm. The service in Frinton was packed with several tributes from family and friends. It was a good send off but as ever with a mixture of emotions. After we walked to Frinton beach and Ben tested the water – it was very cold and we met up with Mary, Graham, Rosie & Helen before repairing to Glebe Farm to say goodbye to David and several others of the family.



Ben sampling the Ocean



Family Gathering post beach


On Good Friday Over chapel joined up with Northstowe and Cambourne for a joint service in Cambourne Village College. In the afternoon John Lane and I had a serious bash at the cricket square: cutting, rolling and attempting marking out. The marking did not go well and we had to complete it on Saturday.

It has been a busy week in the garden sowing leeks, runner and French beans, sweet corn and cucumbers, planting peppers, aubergines, peas and lettuce. I have also dismantled the Propagation Cabinet while Kate seems to have flowers germinating everywhere.

We watched Over beat top of the table Shelford 1 v 0 Saturday afternoon.

With love

Mike & Kate

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