Sunday, 17 October 2021


17th October 2021


Dear All,

Highlights this week include a warm swim, a visit to several seed trade open days in Lincolnshire, a visit from Mary & Graham and Ben here for the weekend.

After a month of chilly swims, the Impington pool finally reached a decent temperature which made a considerable difference!

On Tuesday we collected the last of the Squash from Elsom’s garden, I have slightly overdone the squash this year but the Elsoms are using less vegetables themselves and I needed to fill their garden. We also heard that Mary-Ann and Andy have had their offer on another house accepted – it is large and needs some TLC but well placed near Hove Park.

On Wednesday Lawrie, Dave and myself travelled up to Lincolnshire to view the Seed Trade open days. We managed seven company sites where the standard was high and besides catching up with varieties stocked up on hats, pens, notepads, a boot bag and an umbrella!



Amoresco Orange Romanesco



Sakata Display



Mike with travel companions!



Winter Squash



Brussel sprout Hey Melis



Elsom’s Display



Elsom’s Lettuce



Kate and I were leading the walk on Thursday starting at Conington and completing a square via Boxworth, Knapwell and Elsworth. It was a decent walk and the pub was very efficient.



Boxworth Manor



Knapwell Woods



U3A Biographies started again this week and the first subject was “Lisa Meitner” she was a leading Austrian-Swedish physicist who was one of those responsible for the discovery of the element protactinium and nuclear fission. While working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute on radioactivity, she discovered the radioactive isotope protactinium-231 in 1917. She was credited with being the “Mother of the nuclear bomb – which she hated and died in Cambridge.



Lisa Meitner


Ben is here to run in the Cambridge Half Marathon today and we are off to watch him shortly.

With love

Mike & Kate

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