4th July 2021
Dear All,
Rumour has it that “Footballs
Coming Home!” well possibly, and certainly watching England last night was more
relaxing than the usual nervy 90 minutes! But there is still those pesky
We had a new shower
fitted this week as the old one in the bathroom developed a split in the
control box, which not only sprayed you with ice cold water, but also upset the
electrics and tripped the fuses.
It has been hedge
trimming week both here and at the allotment. Next door planted a hedge between
us and it has shot up to about 8 feet. As husband Dave has departed daughter Caroline
has been attempting to top it back a little. It is not a great benefit to the
crops within a couple of metres and I have had to sink a barrier to restrict
the roots.
French beans started this
week and the summer cabbage look good. The allotment is full with potatoes,
squash, Sweet Corn and winter brassicas and so far, so good. Kate is still
battling bindweed on her patch but is picking fresh flowers every day.
French beans
Our Thursday walk this
week was a new one for us starting at Great Offley between Hitchin and Luton on
the edge of the Chilterns – 42 miles away for us. There were more climbs than
us Fen folk are used to, but it was an excellent walk in ideal conditions. The
crops were good but strange in that apart from grass with a multitude of lambs
to begin with we walked for 3.5 hours and only saw cereal crops – no beans,
OSR, peas or any other break crop. Also, quite a few of the wheat crops were
sown with mixed varieties. It was a Red Kite hotspot and at one site we saw 7
at once. Our leader lives in Hitchin and is responsible for maintenance in St
Mary’s the largest church in the town and took us up the tower for a panoramic
view of Hitchin and a close up of the bells.
near Great Offley
Barley crop
crop with climb (photo does not do slope justice!)
Mary’s, Hitchin
from the Tower
of 13 bells
I was entrusted with
printing the invite for this old couples 60 wedding invitation for next month.
& Rosemary
The Cambridge News photo
theme this week was “Green” and my contribution was some Kale plots.
Kate has managed to
reduce her steroid dosage a little and I have been struggling with a sore back –
I have no idea why, just old age, I guess!
With love
Mike & Kate
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