Sunday, 14 March 2021


14th March 2021


Dear All,

The wind has dominated outdoor activities this week. On Thursday we kept to hard surfaces and walked to Willingham then Longstanton along the road then returned alongside the Guided Busway. The difference between the wind behind you and in your face was very noticeable. We encountered two dead badgers presumably having come off second best when meeting vehicles and the Guided Busway embankment has been colonised by rabbits and now resembles Watership Down!



Poorly Badger


Modern Architecture in Willingham





Tropical Willingham


Earlier in the week we visited Mill Pits to check the daffodils and yesterday we circumnavigated the Fen and were nearly blown away.



Mill Pits


I have had further contact with Air Moldova regarding last years cancelled flight. They now say that the offer of a refund expired last December (which they had kept secret!) and that we could still have a voucher or rebook but this offer expires in October this year. As we are unlikely to go to Moldova this year the offer is predictably less than generous – unless one of you would like to take a trip with Air Moldova?

The U3A Wednesday lecture this week was on “South African San Rock Art” Sam Challis speaking from South Africa via Zoom has spent many years studying 75,000-year-old paintings of animals and humans trying to interpret their meaning. Evidently, they are less to do with hunting and gathering but more with spiritual experiences in death or coming of age.





“Biographies” subject was the artist Artemesia Gentileschi born 1593 in Rome. She was one of the first women to be regarded as a Master. Her early work was influenced by being raped as a teenager and depicts men having a thin time by having their heads chopped off etc. She produced some excellent paintings while still very young and was invited to England by Charles 1.


Artemesia Gentileschi Self Portrait


Kate has continued her “Bird Song Recognition” course so is almost an expert now! She did another run to Hinchingbrooke with Lorna who is still waiting for a PICC line to facilitate blood sampling, Evidently the holdup is due to Brexit!

I have applied Lawn Sand to our grass to try and reduce the moss this week. I borrowed Merv’s spreader as dosing by hand last year caused scorching. Otherwise, I have begun planting outdoors: Peas, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflowers and onion sets. At the allotment we are now the proud owners of a large heap of wood chippings to use on the pathways as well as mulching.



First Pea plantings


I have been backing up my PC to the Cloud on Graham’s recommendation. Unfortunately, I was not selective enough so it has saved everything and filled my free allowance so I am having to painstakingly remove quite a few.

We received Mother's Day and Birthday goodies yesterday from E & E D-D!





With love

Mike & Kate

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