Sunday, 3 January 2021


3rd January 2021


Dear All,

Happy New Year to all readers (both of you!). Less rain and a few decent frosts to start the year. We started having am evening quiz on “Whereby” with Ben and Hutton and Hove have gradually joined in on occasions.



“Whereby” session


Not the most exciting week: sawing wood, harvesting veg, walking and preparing a Review of the Year. I have been reassembling the “Heath Robinson” propagation cabinet this week in readiness for germination tests and starting off this year’s crop.




Three ZOOM/Whereby sessions on Thursday: Walkers, CEEM and family quiz. We are preparing another Moldova Newsletter so hold your breath!

The longer walk on Thursday was a nice contrast to recent slogs through mud as it was frozen throughout and walking on frozen mud is much easier than on its squelchy cousin. We walked through Over Fen, Willingham Fen and Willingham village. There was still plenty of water about and Willingham will not be playing bowls, cricket or football for a bit!



Cook’s Sheep in the frost



The Gravel




Willingham Bowls club



Water Hazard


Yesterday we were back in Over Fen and Burling’s Bulls were standing knee deep in mud.

Earlier in the week they had harvested sugar beet in the fen and you can see how much damage this crop does to the soil structure.



Burling’s Bulls



Sugar Beet harvest


Kate is taking on an extra section of allotment and the man she is sharing it with has dug it all this week.



New Allotment


With love

Mike & Kate


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