Sunday, 19 July 2020

19th July 2020

Dear All,
It was good to see Esther and Emma last Sunday for lunch and a little exercise in the garden. They are in the process of swapping the old raised beds for smart new “high rise” versions.


After (we had gone)

Esther & Emma behatted

I managed a trip to the barbers on Monday – booked appointments, social distancing, masks and no pensioners rates!
I ordered a new double cold frame pre lockdown and it finally arrived this week I kit form so it has been assembled and painted but a bit late to be useful this year.

 Cold Frame

Kate has been in full face mask production mode this week so we will be OK for shopping and bus rides!

Facemask factory

Our Thursday walk was back to Barleycroft Lake, Bluntisham this week together with Dave Harrower my old football/cricket colleague. I told him we usually take a piece of fruit for half way and he turned up with a tin of peaches and a tin opener because they did not have any fresh fruits at home. The lake was much quieter as the gulls and terns had fledged but there were still loads of geese, swans, ducks, coots, and we saw oyster catchers and an egret on the way.

Dave with opener

Barleycroft Lake

Geese on the Lake

After 3.5 hours walking, we prepared two cricket pitches in the afternoon which took a couple of hours cutting, rolling and marking out after which I was not too frisky!

With love
Mike & Kate

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