Sunday, 26 July 2020
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Sunday, 5 July 2020
July 2020
signs of returning normality as we worked on the cricket square, I managed the
dentist, Kate went to the hairdressers and we booked eye tests. However,
caution is still the password as it will be interesting to see whether the
virus spikes again with the recent relaxation measures.
it looks likely that local cricket will return soon after Boris’s U turn, we
spent Wednesday morning double cutting and rolling the square. The main snag
appears to be the toilet facilities which evidently don’t match this week’s
requirements – but that could change!
trip to the dentist was surprisingly painless as what I thought was a lost
filing was in fact a cap which I had fortunately taken with me to show the
dentist and he merely cleaned things up and stuck it back on. Kate’s
hairdresser actually phoned her up to see whether she would like an appointment
and she was the second one back yesterday after the shop reopened.
sent some seed to Moldova on the 24th March for Oleg, our main
collaborator to test – it arrived this week on the 1st July!
Oleg & Angelica with seed parcel
on-line 70th birthday party worked quite well. We attended the
virtual Museum tour and took part in a quiz. The quiz was presented by her
Scottish brother-in-law who had a rather broad and soft accent which led to a
certain amount of guesswork as to the question, let alone the answer!
Our longer walk this week started at our friend’s
house in Histon and took in Oakington, Northstowe, Rampton and Westwick
covering a couple of paths that were new to us. We also encountered a crop of
Canary Grass for seed – it is used for birdseed.
Oakington Millenium Wood
Oakington Martyr’s graves
Canary Grass
has strung the autumn sown onions, continued picking currants every day and
just about finished strawberries and raspberries. I have sown late French
beans, swedes, turnips, Pak Choi, Tatsoi and Corn Salad.
Local Craftswoman!
is Amélie’s 9th birthday. She requested a dog so her uncle and aunts
clubbed together to buy her a stick insect cage together with contents – close!
Stick Insects
& Kate