Sunday, 12 April 2020

12th April 2020

Dear All,
Last week it was Gardening and walking, ZOOM , painting and a few DVDs, this week I can add frogs and birds so not much change!
Gardening wise I have sown parsnips, planted more peas and Dwarf French Beans and sorted Ken Elsom’s plot. I have also experimented making my own Growbags. Kate has expanded her flower repertoire with seedlings cropping up everywhere as well as microgreens and sprouted seeds. We have also experimented with watercress and it has worked quite well so far. We have also begun harvesting asparagus this week which is a plus.

Water Cress

Early Potatoes


Walks continue on a daily basis but only locally. Thursday by way of tradition we went further taking in the Over Fen RSPB site where we heard Bitterns booming and saw swallows for the first time this year.



New Calves

Plum Trees full of Blossom

Plenty of Butterflies this year


Maple in flower

Mervyn decided to fill in his pond this week and brought round about a dozen frogs. Whether they will stay remains to be seen as they have a strong homing instinct so I can picture them with their knapsacks setting out for a return journey.

We have repeated ZOOM sessions with church, walkers and family. I am coming to the conclusion that you perhaps need to think about what you are going to say before going on-line!

Over News is going on-line in reduced form next month as there are no meetings or events to publicise but I have still submitted the Garden Column – whether this is considered vital remains to be seen!
Kate finished painting the utility room this week and shopped in Willingham Co-op. Our village shop has stepped up and stocked many more items than usual.
We had a long phone call with Jackie requesting some seeds and swapped some locally for some partridge breasts!
Dave Garlick emailed for details of when we visited Ecuador and asked for some photos. He is writing some sort of report.

With love

Mike & Kate

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