Sunday, 23 February 2020

23rd February 2020

Dear All,
I contacted “Mr Fothergill’s” for seed to take to Moldova and they had it ready for collection from Kentford near Newmarket this week. They have been very generous and supplied three large box fulls – the next problem is how to get it to Moldova! I have actually contacted the embassy in London for advice but am not holding my breath.

Seed from Mr Fothergill
We have been to see “Parasite” at the cinema this week – it is the Korean film that upset President Trump so much by winning the Oscar for best film. It is certainly attention grabbing and initially amusing but with an unsettling ending!
I was asked to speak to Over Gardening club this week, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own village!” but it went OK, they are a friendly lot and although I do not charge them, they gave me a donation for Moldova.
Our Thursday jaunt started at a new location as the planned pub have stopped doing food. We gathered at Cornish Hall End between Haverhill and Saffron Walden. It was a dull day with the by now familiar degree of mud but thankfully did not rain until we were back in the pub – when it poured down for a while.

The Horse & Groom, Cornish Hall End


Snowdrops at Great Sampford

“Biography” topic this week was Eric Gill a controversial artist, sculpture and typographer. He was responsible for 12 fonts including Sans Gill and Perpetua and numerous sculptures, paintings and drawings. He had architectural training and designed a church at Gorleston-on-Sea. He believed in sexual freedom and was accused of incest with his two daughter, sister and dog! Which sat slightly awkwardly alongside his conversion to Catholicism!


Eric Gill

I have seen two football matches this weekend, on Friday night it was the Cambs Premier League cup final at Newmarket between Cheery Hinton and West Wratting. It was played on an artificial pitch and with an appreciable wind did not make for a great game as the ball was difficult to control. It was 0 v 0 until the 88th minute then Cherry Hinton scored twice.
Yesterday’s game was far more exciting as Over drew 4 v 4 with Eynesbury. The referee had a large influence on the result awarding Eynesbury a dubious penalty, sending an Over man off and putting another into the “sin bin”.
With love

Mike & Kate

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