Sunday, 5 January 2020

5th January 2020

Dear All,
It took Ben 7 hours and 45 minutes to bike back to Streatham last Sunday albeit by a longer scenic route. It has been a quieter week after family departures – so a shorter letter!
After our swim on Monday we took advantage of the sunny weather an did a walk round Over Fen where new sluce gates have been installed.

Over Fen


New Sluce Gates

On Tuesday we finished the Christmas jigsaw puzzle entertained Adrian and Janet, visited Tesco and Kate had her wedding nail varnish scientifically and painlessly removed!

Christmas Puzzle
On New Year’s Day we briefly attended Foster seniors gathering where we lowered the average age of the gathering then travelled to the Ely cinema to watch “Little Women” which was very good.
Thursday’s walk started at Clare and was challenging with especially sticky mud and a fairly long walk. In U3A terms we were never actually lost but there were several occasions when we did not know where we were!

Clare castle

Seasonal mud

Clare Parchetting

Windows 10 decided up upgrade itself again this week (without asking!) and as usual protected me from opening several applications so I had to entertain “Stan the Computerman” on Friday to fix it.
We entertained the Gregory’s last night for a meal as Kate and Jane are in charge of the New Year Social meal next Saturday and were experimenting with the menu.
With love

Mike & Kate

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