Monday, 16 December 2019

16th December 2019

Dear All,
Can’t think what happened last weekend to prevent me writing – must be old age creeping in!
There again I think it is coming back to me gradually under the code of E E D D.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the wedding and Kate and I both enjoyed it very much. There was a very good atmosphere, everyone had good words to say about both Esther and Emma and they had put enormous thought into activities to keep the young and not so young amused. Enough said as most of you were there so a few pictures ahead of what might be a tidal wave to follow! It was also nice to stay over and share breakfast with so many next day to unwind gradually.

Last week was the end of the U3A term so we concluded “Just Vegetating” with “Oriental Vegetables” and the class donated £162 towards CEEM.
Kate went carol singing in the Grand Arcade, Cambridge on Wednesday evening with the Fitzwilliam College choir and they raised over £1000 for “Winter Comfort” which supports homeless folk in Cambridge.
I have been busy trapping mice which are chomping through my broad beans in the garden – tally three so far.
Thursday was a full day as we led the walk in the morning beginning at Castle Camps near Haverill and took in Steventon End and Shudy Camps. It was not the best of conditions as wet for most of the walk and they specialise in super sticky brand of mud. We managed to avoid crossing any cultivated fields but even the paths were slippery.

Cooper’s Farm Machinery dump

Damp break
In the afternoon we had flu jabs before voting then in the evening it was Over Pantomime – Aladdin this year.

Our final session of “Biographies” features Christmas and Winter readings, a quiz and eats.
The A14 continues to exercise everyone who dares to enter, cross or journey down it – both our journeys at the weekend required some patience!
With love

Mike & Kate

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