Sunday, 3 November 2019

3rd November 2019

Dear All,
“Just Vegetating” this week was “Salads-Green” and Kate produced salads with fruit and hot ingredients which went down very well.
On Tuesday there was another event at NIAB celebrating their 100 years with talks, historic photos and a tour of the new buildings they have put up. They are working more closely with the University and host several University staff on site and will soon accommodate a new professor of Crop Science.
Our Thursday outing was fairly local starting at Meldreth, south of Cambridge and taking in Melbourn, Bassingbourn and Whaddon. It remained dry throughout.

Pub car Park carving


Seasonal Field
One of the ladies in the group presented me a cheque for £1000 towards the repair of the church in Leova, Moldova where the mud bricks did not survive a flood earlier in the year.

Leova Damage

“Biographies” this week featured “Josephine Butler” an English feminist and social reformer in the Victorian era. She campaigned for women's suffrage, the right of women to better education, the end of Contagious Diseases Act in British law, the abolition of child prostitution, and an end to human trafficking of young women and children into European prostitution.

Josephine Butler

We were on Street Pastor duty again Friday night. It was a busy night with a hangover from Halloween the night before so we tended 6 or 7 rather ill persons in various states of distress but fortunately most had friends to help them recover.
I slept through the Rugby final but watched Over lose 4 v 2 to league leaders Cherry Hinton in rather wintery conditions.
Star plants in the garden this week are celeriac which has had a good year and Michaelmas Daisies

Michaelmas Daisies


With love

Mike & Kate

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