Sunday, 8 September 2019

8th September 2019

Dear All,
On Monday morning it was back to swimming after the holiday break which we take because the times change and the numbers swell. We had Arthur and Grace again for the morning and I attended the dental surgery to find that the dentist was on sick leave – a fairly frequent experience!
On Tuesday we had an allotment session and I started clearing a patch of brambles behind the chapel. This is an area that used to belong to next door but somehow got transferred to us and nobody told us. We have a very solid safe at the chapel and the key has been mislaid so a locksmith was called to open it, it took 2 hours!

Bramble patch


Our car was MOT’d on Wednesday after brakes had been changed – so an expensive day.

Thursday’s walk was local starting at Oakington and taking in Rampton and Westwick skirting the new development at Northstowe. In the evening we had an Over Show committee meeting to review this year’s show.



Westwick Park

On Friday I prepared the last two cricket pitches of the year for a couple of post season friendlies. Kate has been fence painting then in the evening it was Street Pastors again. It was reasonably quiet but enough interesting incidents to keep us amused!

We are off to the Black Mountains in Wales on Tuesday for a few days walking – weather permitting.
This week’s star plant is Phacelia which is a magnet for insects of all types but especially bees.

Phacelia plus Bee

With love

Mike & Kate

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