Sunday, 2 September 2018

2nd September 2018

Dear All,
The follow up to last week’s news that Rachel had been admitted to hospital in pain in the latter stages of pregnancy was that the baby was induced on Tuesday. Rachel then underwent a fairly serious operation to have part of her small intestine removed and is still in hospital. She has to remain there for at least a week and cannot lift anything for 6 weeks. This has created problems for them as most of their relatives are in South Africa. We had the 2.5 year old Grace staying for 3 nights. She is good in some ways in that she did not pine for her parents too much but she is extremely inquisitive and “No” means do it later when no one is looking! Meanwhile father Matthew has the baby (Arthur) at home and in charge of feeding.

Grace & Arthur
On Thursday a group of us missed walking and went to Chelmsford to watch Essex playing Hampshire. The sun shone most of the day which was extended because the previous day had been washed out and Essex had their best day for some time and subsequent won by an innings.


Lawrie, Rob, Ian & Mike
Last night we were on Street Pastors and were accompanied by two observers, one of which was our neighbour Denis Whitfield. It was an unusual night in that it started fairly busy then was quieter later on. There were several people about as it was payday weekend, but generally good humoured. There were several extra rough sleepers so we had some interesting conversations!
It was the last cricket match of the season yesterday and Over 1sts won so finished 3rd in their league. The 2nds struggled to raise a team most weeks and may well be discontinued – at one time we fielded 4 teams each Saturday. The football team also won and are joint top at present.
Mary-Ann and the children are now back in Hove so that Amélie can attend school and Andy is planning to commute at least until the end of the year.
We are off to the USA next weekend for two weeks visiting the East Coast Historical sites.
Mike & Kate

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