Sunday, 15 July 2018

15th July 2018

Dear All,
It was Over Carnival time yesterday and as usual we had a chapel stand which did good business despite the football and the tennis. We have just returned from the Sunday morning litter picking. We had a quiz based on Children’s book characters – Milly Molly Mandy and The Little Princess were the main stumbling blocks. There was also the now famous throwing bean bags into pots game, a children’s activity area with free Goodie bags and a rest for the weary section!

Carnival Parade

Chapel Stand



On Wednesday Kate and I visited the National Race Horse Museum at Newmarket. It was rehashed a couple of years ago and is now excellent – even if you are not much into racing or horses. It has displays of painting, sculptures and artefacts plus live horses demonstrating the work of a charity which retrains most of the 3,000 race horses that are retired each year.

Retired Race horse Purple Moon

Frankel Statue
I had a trip to Houghton Conquest, near Bedford for a Garden Club talk on Tuesday so missed the first semi-final.
Our Thursday walk was fairly local starting at Barrington, and taking in Harston and Haslingfield, skirting the now defunct chalk pits which are being filled in with some of the soil from the new Crossrail Link.

Barrington Pit

Maize showing drought symptoms
I sent the photo I used in the letter two weeks ago of cattle standing in the River Stour to the Cambridge News and on Thursday it was featured as the centre fold spread – you saw it first!

Half the picture

Mike & Kate

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