Sunday, 12 November 2017

12th November 2017

Dear All,

On Monday, after swimming we joined Kate & Gordon, Merv & Pat and Bob & Carol at The Old Crown, Girton for lunch to celebrate Gordon’s 65th birthday. In the evening I had a Cemetery Trustees meeting where we were discussing making a better area for interment of ashes as well as raising the cost of dying by increasing the fees for a plot! At the same time I booked and paid for a double plot – which is rather sobering experience!
“Just Vegetating” this week covered “Salads – Fruit” and the recipes were Roast Stuffed Peppers, Aubergine bake and Mutabbal (a sort of Aubergine dip).
Kate and I lined up for a flu jab on Wednesday – so far with no ill effects. Our Thursday stroll started at Hatfield Broadoak near Stanstead.  Autumn colours had really kicked in so it was a very pleasant walk.

Hatfield Broadoak

Our “Biography” topic this week was John Bowering who was a Devon wool trader who rose to become a political economist, MP and the 4th Governor of Hong Kong – no I hadn’t heard of him either but the lady who presented claimed to be a distant descendant.
Friday evening I took a Garden Club at Barrow in Suffolk while Kate went to Street Pastors training on “Homelessness”. The effort that goes into trying to support these folk in Cambridge quite amazing and little recognised.
The Swedish family are now officially registered so can try to find nurseries and schools. Amélie now has a very gappy smile due to teeth loss and seems 6” taller in each photo.

Gappy Smile

Swedish Housing?


Mike & Kate

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