Sunday, 23 July 2017

23rd July 2017

Dear All,

Kate and I joined the Over Gardening outing to Norfolk yesterday. First stop was Peter Beales Roses at Attleborough for coffee and a look round. They have a very attractive display garden as well as useful café.

Peter Beale’s Rose garden

Rose “A Mum in a Million”

The main attraction was East Ruston Old Vicarage Garden on the east Norfolk coast near North Walsham. Two guys brought the run down vicarage in 1973 and gradually built up 32 acres of garden divided into small areas with different themes. It is definitely one of the most interesting gardens I have been to and would recommend it to anyone visiting the area.

Kate and Rolls at East Ruston

House & Dutch garden

The Exotic Garden

The Entrance garden

                      View of Happisburgh Lighthouse                             

Painted Lady

We had begun the week culturally by attending the “Shakespeare in the College Gardens” performance of “Hamlet” in St John’s garden on Monday evening. It was a fine night and an excellent performance with a decent crowd.

We had the church AGM on Tuesday and on Wednesday I borrowed a pressure washer to improve the performance of the cricket mowers which soon get clogged in damp weather.
Our Thursday walk started at Chippenham, near Newmarket taking in Fordham, Landwade and Snailwell. Landwade is one of the smallest parishes in the UK consisting of one farm, a large house and a privately owned church – a bit like Blackadder’s Rotten borough! We were treated to one short shower but otherwise it was an enjoyable walk including Chippenham Fen Wildlife reserve.

Chippenham Water Pump

Chippenham Fen

Landwade church

Friday saw us in Cambridge for a Street Pastors briefing as we are to act as “Seniors” on our next outing as they are short of leaders this summer. The security system in St Andrews church which acts as our HQ, is a thing of wonder and complexity and we were given a very thorough induction by the caretaker!
We should be in Aldeburgh with the family for a week from next Friday so no letter.


Mike & Kate

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