Sunday, 9 October 2016

9th October 2016

Dear All,

We have been down to Hove again this week entrusted with looking after Albert for the first time now that Mary-Ann has returned to work. Before we left on Tuesday, Kate’s sister Sue and husband Bill called in on the way to a reunion at Stratford upon Avon. On the way down we stopped for a walk at Devil’s Dyke on the South Downs from where the views were excellent.
Albert is having to adjust to Nursery so is understandably a bit clingy, but was fine once Mum was not around. We walked along the seafront away from Brighton towards Portslade and had lunch at a seaside restaurant owned by Fatboy Slim. After we sat on the beach and moved a few tons of stones! There was one hardy soul swimming and another optimistic topless sunbather. Amélie seems to be coping with school quite well and is very good with Albert.

View from the South Downs

Devil’s Dyke

Keen Gardener?

Hove Beach Activity

Our Thursday walk started just up the road at Dry Drayton and took in familiar places: Bar Hill, Lolworth, Boxworth, Knapwell Woods and Childerley Hall.

The Black Horse, Dry Drayton

Later in the week it has been fund raising. On Friday it was the annual quiz for Over Day Centre. Kate had compiled the questions and there over 50 attending. It seemed to go well and my job was easier as we had a working sound system so less shouting.

Last night we attended a concert at Little Paxton in support of CEEM and Moldova. The music was from “Damascus Road” a local St Neots group and there was an excellent curry midway.

Keen gardeners amongst you will know that autumn digging has begun and it is time to plant shallots, garlic, and broad beans for over wintering.


Mike & Kate

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