Sunday, 3 April 2016

Dear All,

It was good to see you all last weekend, I hope you all enjoyed the party and had safe return journeys. Thanks for your contributions and donations – we received £660 for CEEM. No photos yet from the “official photographer” so only have a “pre party“ picture of the cake which has been widely praised.

Egg Collection

Serious outdoor gardening got underway this week, firstly digging up the large bamboo clump which got out of hand with runners emerging 6 or 7 yards away from the main growth. Kate has been digging up the outlying runners for several weeks so we blitzed the main clump, it took two days with a pick axe as the roots were like steel.
Otherwise I have rotovated the allotment and planted maincrop potatoes, broad beans, parsnips and carrots.

Our Thursday walk started from Kimbolton and touched Graffham Water. The shorter walk was intended to be 7.5 miles but our leader lost the way a couple of times so it ended up as 10.5 miles – the same as the long walk and not for the first time recently they had finished their lunch by the time we returned! It was rather sticky as the soil is mainly clay thereabouts but fairly undulating and we were treated to an aerial display by a red kite.

Above Kimbolton

Graffham Water

I fetched the cricket roller from its winter quarters yesterday so serious wicket preparation is scheduled to begin this week.

Service and meal in memory of Mervyn’s mother this morning


Mike & Kate

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